Alibaba Cloud Intelligence - Distributed Storage Expert


Basic information
Department:Alibaba Group
Years of service:5 years

Job description
1. Participate in the development and maintenance of Alibaba Cloud's distributed storage services to provide reliable infrastructure for massive data and large-scale business systems;
2. Responsible for the design, development, testing, performance tuning and other work of related modules.

Job requirements
1. More than 5 years of experience in distributed storage;
2. Proficient in C/C++/Go programming language, with strong engineering development ability, as well as the ability to read code, understand code and analyze problems;
3. Understand the principle of consistency protocols such as Paxos and Raft, and understand or use distributed storage systems such as HDFS and RocksDB;
4. Team spirit;
5. Good expression, organization, communication and collaboration skills.